To ensure the safety of our guests we request that you keep your pet up to date on their vaccinations. To provide us proof of updated vaccines you may email us at or have your vet fax the new records over to us at 262-661-7477.
Vaccinations we require for dogs:
- Rabies
- Distemper
- Bordetella
Vaccinations we require for cats:
- Rabies
- FELV (is recommended)

Vaccination Incubation Periods
Note that there is an incubation period to those who receive bordetella after it has already expired or have never received it. Please see the chart below for the incubation times:
When they received their bordetella vaccine
Incubation Time
Never received bordetella
14 days
Received bordetella after it had expired (by shot)
14 days
Received bordetella after it had expired (by oral/nasal)
3 days